Sunday, February 6, 2011

Digital Painting Exercise

This was my final painting.

This was my first attempt at Digital Painting. I used this illustration by Enoch Bolles and I tried to copy it to the best of my ability. I am not a big fan of Santa and I strongly dislike smoking of any kind but this looked like and interesting illustration so I decided copy it. The top image is my version of the original illustration which is at the bottom. I used Photoshop CS4.


  1. Nice to see you uploading so much of your work! It looks great!

  2. I will try to have a constant stream of work being uploaded!

  3. I look so good , I can't tell the diffirence! I drew a smoking Santa like a year ago base off my Parson proffesor who look exactly like a santa.

  4. Thanks Ye!! Was the link you posted to the video of your painting??
